Browse Food Stories - Page 18

173 results found for Food
Tomato plant with tomatoes in various stages of ripeness CAES News
Homegrown tomatoes
Bob Westerfield spends his days growing vegetables and watching for problems. As University of Georgia Extension’s consumer vegetable horticulturist, he answers questions from backyard gardeners and Extension agents across the state. In the summer months, most of the questions are about tomatoes.
Canning green beans. Beans in Jars waiting to be placed in a pressure canner. May 2008. CAES News
Preserving Produce
Canning and preserving homegrown produce will be the focus of the next Saturday at the Rock workshop set for June 8 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton.
University of Georgia students in the most recent "Chicken Que: Science Behind the Grill" class learn how to correctly cut fresh chicken. CAES News
Chicken 101
First-year students at the University of Georgia are learning about chicken by learning everything from where it comes from and how it is processed, down to what impacts it’s tenderness and how to make it tasty.