Animal Breeding and Genetics
Research in animal breeding and genetics is primarily concerned with the development and implementation of genetic evaluation programs in swine, beef and dairy cattle. This program is a balance between theoretical development of the methodologies that have the greatest potential for rapid genetic change; and, working with the leaders of the animal industry and breed associations to create efficient systems for field applications. There are also ongoing research projects which combine genetics with physiology, nutrition and meats. The group collaborates with and provides methodology for genetic/genomic evaluations to the biggest animal genetic associations/companies in the US Including: the Holstein Association (dairy), Angus Association (beef), Pig Improvement Company and Smithfield (pigs), Cobb-Vantress (broilers), Zoetis (beef and dairy), etc. The group actively collaborates with scientists around the world.
Livestock Genetic Evaluation

Livestock Genetics
Data Modeling and Analysis
Research Scientist