Team and Club Updates


UGA Dairy Science Club

Some of our club members had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Georgia Dairy Conference in Savannah, GA. Representing the UGA Animal and Dairy Science Department, this event allowed us to meet industry professionals and listen to educational topics relevant to the dairy industry today. We also had the chance to reconnect with some of our Dairy Science Club alumni at the conference!

We are also busy getting ready for our 28th Annual UGA Commercial Dairy Heifer Show. Our next newsletter will have more information on that event.

girls smiling in front of backdrop

flyer announcing event


UGA Block & Bridle Club

Block & Bridle will host the South Campus Get-Together on Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30 p.m. at The Pit. Additionally, the Meat and Livestock judging teams will speak on February 26, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at The Pit. 

We're also busy planning the 50th Annual Great Southland Stampede Rodeo in March!


UGA ADSC Intercollegiate Meat Judging Team

The 2025 UGA Meat Judging Team had a strong start to the season, earning Reserve Champion Team honors at the National Western Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest in Denver, Colorado. Several team members also achieved outstanding individual results. Rachel Schoonover was the third high individual overall and Jewell Allen finished as the fourth high individual overall. With this start to the season, the team is motivated and ready for the upcoming contests. Go #MeatDawgs!

Pictured (L-R): Coach Clint Lee, Rachel Schoonover, Georgia Gordon, Piper Bond, Jewell Allen, Josey Leatherman

young people hold awards

a photo of students holding bulldog trophies

Academic Quadrathlon Team

Four fantastic teams participated in the 2025 ADS Academic Quadrathlon, sponsored by Puretein Biosciences. Although the competition was fierce, fun was had by all the students and volunteers.

Honorable Mention: Moo Crew
Members: Dilara Yener, Sofia Ferentinos, Kathleen Sikes, Lily Gearing

3rd Place ($50 scholarship winners): Critter Queens
Members: Ann Carol Daniel, Renae Mattson, Cara Debuose, Sara Beth Neese

2nd Place ($75 scholarship winners): Ruminators
Members: Natalie Newton, Jenna Hargett, Kloie Varnadoe, Alex Smith

Champions ($100 scholarship winners): Texas Bound and Flying
Members: Morgan Johnson, Sydney Creech, Baylee May, Brian Hinkson

Congratulations to all participants for their incredible efforts and teamwork. We wish the winning team good luck as they advance to compete in Texas!

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ADS Clubs and Teams