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Dr. Stelzleni came to the University of Georgia in July 2007 and is currently a Professor in Meat Science and Muscle Biology and Graduate Coordinator for ADSC and REBI programs. Alex grew up in central Missouri and has a family history in the meat industry. He received his BS from Missouri State University (Southwest Missouri State University) in Agriculture with an emphasis in Animal Science-Beef Production. Alex received his MS from the University of Arkansas in Animal Science with an emphasis in Quantitative Breeding and Genetics. While at the University of Arkansas, Alex also worked for Tyson Foods Inc. in FSQA. Alex accepted a position with the University of Florida as Coordinator of Adult Livestock Extension Programs, then returned to school full time and completed his PhD in Animal Science-Meat Sciences from the University of Florida. Alex’s PhD work focused on market cow muscle profiling and the realimentation of cull cows to add quality and value through the supply chain.
Research Interests
Alex’s current program maintains two central foci: 1) influence of production and management on meat quality and yield with an emphasis on southeastern and subtropical beef finishing systems, and 2) further processing to improve quality and safety of red meat and poultry.
Courses Taught
FYOS 1001 – Pork from the Magical Pig
FYOS 1001 – BBQ and U
ADSC 3650/L – Introduction to Meat Science
ADSC 3180/L – Meat Judging I
ADSC 3190/L – Meat Judging II
ADSC/AAEC 3911, AAEC 4990e, AESC 8220 - Study Abroad to Uruguay
ADSC 6890 – Advanced Meat Science
GRSC 7001 – GradFirst Seminar
Academic CV and Publications