In April of 2019, Dr. John Michael Gonzalez joined the faculty at the University of Georgia with a 20% teaching and 80% research appointment. Dr. Gonzalez grew up in the vast urban setting of San Antonio, TX. He was first introduced to agriculture during his high school years when he visited numerous classmates’ ranches located throughout the state of Texas. This led Dr. Gonzalez to pursue and earn his Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Economics and Poultry Science from Texas A&M University. He then obtained his Master of Science degree in Animal Science from Sul Ross State University. In 2008, Dr. Gonzalez was awarded his Ph.D. in Animal Sciences from the University of Florida. After earning his degree, Dr. Gonzalez spent a 9-month tenure serving as the Technical Services Manager of XL Four Star Beef, Inc. of Omaha, Nebraska. Following a brief stay at the University of Florida as a Postdoctoral Associate, Dr. Gonzalez joined the faculty at Kansas State University from June 2011 to March 2019, where he had a 30% teaching and 70% research appointment.
Over the course of his career, his research program has focused on 3 distinct areas. First, his program has complemented other meat scientists and animal scientists by examining the cellular influencers of muscle growth and their relation to meat quality. Specifically, he has focused on the roles muscle fiber size/type and collagen crosslinks elicit on fresh meat color and tenderness. His second research area focuses exploring novel technologies (feed additives, management strategies, breeding strategies) that manipulate gestational, in ovo, or postnatal muscle growth and development. His last area of research focuses on exploring the cellular and biochemical mechanisms responsible for muscle fatigue during transportation of cattle and swine and the development of nutritional countermeasures.
Dr. Gonzalez resides in Watkinsville, Georgia with his wife, Sara, his daughter Penelope, son Harrison, and two dogs, Sugarloaf and Hermione. In his free time, Dr. Gonzalez spends a good portion of his time following the United States space program, learning the drums, and working on his golf game
Selected Recent Publications
Book Chapter (1 Total)
1. Gonzalez, J. M., S. M. Ebarb, K. J. Phelps, and M. E. Dikeman. 2017. Effects of metabolic modifiers on beef carcass composition and meat quality. In: M. E. Dikeman, editor, Ensuring safety and quality in the production of beef. Vol. 2:Quality. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom. p. 101-126.
United States Patents (1 Total)
1. Gonzalez, J. M., S. R. Kruger, C. B. Paulk, and H. K. Wrecker. 2018. Nicotinamide Riboside Treatments of Domesticated Meat Animals. Serial No. 62/611,087 filed on Dec. 28, 2017.