Charles Robert Dove

Professor Animal & Dairy Science
Portrait of Charles Robert Dove

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Portrait of Charles Robert Dove

Academic Profile
B.S., University of Missouri-Columbia
M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia
Ph.D., Iowa State University

Description of Research and Teaching Interests

The main research area of Dr. Dove's program is the investigation of the interaction between dietary nutrients and vitamins and trace minerals in swine. Other research has focused on the evaluation of alternative feed ingredients and the evaluation of nutritional quality measurements. Dr. Dove has no extension appointment, but is very active in the youth swine program. Dr. Dove teaches the graduate minerals class.

Selected Recent Publications

Tuan, Y.H., R.D. Phillips and C.R. Dove. 1999. Predicting integrated protein nutritional quality. Part 1: Amino acid availability corrected amino acid score and nitrogen balance data fitted to linear models and non-linear models for test proteins. Nutr. Res. 19(12):1791-1805.

Tuan, Y.H., R.D. Phillips and C.R. Dove. 1999. Predicting integrated protein nutritional quality. Part 2: Integrated protein nutritional quality predicted from amino acid availability corrected amino acid score (AACAAS). Nutr. Res. 19(12):1807-1816.

Dove, C.R. and D.A. Cook. 2000. Water soluble vitamins. In: Lewis, A.J. and L.L. Southern (Ed.) Swine Nutrition (2nd Ed.). Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, MA. (In press).

Dove, C.R. 1998. The use of cottonseed meal as a protein source for nursery pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 76(Suppl. 2):49.

Dove, C.R. 1998. Copper citrate as a growth stimulating copper source in nursery pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 76(Suppl. 1):159.