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B.S. University of Georgia
M.S. University of Georgia
Ph.D. Clemson University
Extension Interests
Promoting the development of youth interested in the dairy industry is essential to its successful future. These young people need to have opportunities and exposure to the industry beginning early in their educational careers. My primary work involves helping to provide experiences, which include the Commercial Heifer Project, Dairy Cattle Judging, and Dairy Quiz Bowl.
Research Interests
My area of interest is in applied reproduction in cattle with direct activities involving animal synchronization, use of ultrasound as a tool in reproductive programs, and methods to increase embryo competency. Without a research appointment, I integrate students into all research projects.
Teaching Interests
My teaching endeavors are focused on dairy cattle production and management and applied reproductive management in cattle and horses. Both within these courses and in a comprehensive course, I have an interest in promotion of agriculture while understanding contemporary issues associated with food animal production.
Courses Taught
ADSC 3620 – Dairy Cattle Production
ADSC 4010 - Issues in Animal Agriculture
ADSC 4410 – Applied Reproductive Management
Selected Recent Abstracts and Publications
- “Assessing the relationships of prostaglandin E2 in uterine flush fluid, peripheral blood prostaglandin E2 and progesterone with pregnancy outcome in dairy cattle”. J.L Fain, M.W. Overton, D.J. Hurley, and G.P. Birrenkott abstract presented at 2012 ADSA-AMPA-ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS Joint Meetings, Phoenix.
- “Supplemental melatonin: A potential strategy for maintaining mammary health in dairy cattle”. M. Palmer, D. Williams, and J. Fain abstract to be presented at 2012 ADSA-AMPA-ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS Joint Meetings, Phoenix.
- “Evaluating the Effectiveness of ‘Cow-Side’ Tests to Identify Animals with a Dominant Follicle at the Time of Insemination in a TAI Protocol”. T. L. Crouch and J. L. Fain abstract presented at the 2010 ADSA-ASAS Joint Meetings, Denver.
- “Vascular Dynamics of the Corpus Luteum as it Relates to Diameter and Progesterone Concentrations in Beef Cattle”. D. Kelley, C. Mortensen, J. Fain, and J. Gibbons abstract presented at 2009 Society for the Study of Reproduction, Pittsburgh.
- “The Effects of In-vivo Derived Trophoblastic Vesicles on Corpus Luteum Regression, Estrous Cycle Length, and Serum Progesterone Concentrations in Dairy Cattle”. J. L. Fain, E. R. Waggoner and J. R. Gibbons abstract presented at 2009 Society for the Study of Reproduction, Pittsburgh.
- “The Effects of In-vivo Derived Trophoblastic Vesicles on Corpus Luteum Lifespan and Serum Progesterone Concentrations in Dairy Cattle”. E. R. Waggoner, J. L. Fain and J. R. Gibbons abstract to be presented at the 2009 ADSA-ASAS Joint Meetings, Montreal.
- “Effect of Double Prostaglandin Injections in the Ovsynch® protocol on plasma P4 and Pregnancy rates in cycling Dairy Cows”. J. L. Fain, E. R. Waggoner, and J. R. Gibbons abstract to be presented at the 2009 ADSA/ASAS Joint Meetings, Montreal.
- “Effect of Progesterone Therapy post AI via a previously used CIDR insert on embryonic loss and for the resynchronization of estrus in cattle”. J.L. Fain, W.M. Graves, J.M. Haslett, J.W. Durham, S.C. Nickerson, and J.K. Bernard abstract presented at the 2006 ADSA/ASAS Joint Meetings, Minneapolis.