B.S., University of Florida
Ph.D., University of Florida
Research Interests
Research interests are in the areas of animal biomechanics as well as oxidative stress relating to performance. Research topics include factors involving biomechanics and physiology of the performance horse, as well as studies examining biomechanics of other livestock animals. Current projects include studies examining oxidative stress in performance horses relating to dietary supplementation of vitamin E, as well as studies examining gait changes in horses as a result of training and management techniques.
Extension Interests
I have a 20% extension appointment. I will be helping with the existing youth programs to implement youth quiz bowls, state and regional horse shows, and the Annual 4-H Horse School. We are also working to put together horse judging clinics for these groups. I will also collaborate with other equine faculty to assist with short courses, potentially teaching nutrition and horsemanship topics.
Courses Taught
ADSC 4390 (6390) Equine Nutrition
ADSC 4230 (6230) Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Horse
ADSC 2500L Beginning Horsemanship
ADSC 3500L Intermediate Horsemanship
Selected Recent Publications
Tinkle A.K., Duberstein K.J., Wilson M.E., Parsley M.A., Beckman M.K., Torrison J., Azain M.J., and C.R. Dove. Functional claw trimming improves the gait and locomotion of sows. Journal of Livestock Science. Accepted for publication, October, 2016.
Duberstein, K.J., Platt, S.R., Holmes, S.P., Dove, C.R., Howerth, E.W., Kent, M., Stice, S.L., Hill, W.D., Hess, D.C., and F.D. West. 2014. Gait analysis in pre- and post-ischemic stroke biomedical pig model. Physiology and Behavior. Volume 125; pgs. 8-16.
Platt S.R., Holmes S.P., Howerth E.W., Duberstein K.J., Dove C.R., Kinder H.A., Wyatt E.L., Linville A.V., Lau V.W., Stice S.L., Hill W.D., Hess D.C., and F.D. West. Development and characterization of a Yucatan miniature biomedical pig permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion stroke model. 2014. Exp Transl Stroke Med. Volume 6(1):5.
Duberstein, K.J., Johnson, E.L., and A. Whitehead. 2013. Effect of shortening breakover at the toe on gait kinematics at the walk and trot. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Volume 33(11); pgs. 930-36.
Huguet, E.E. and K.J. Duberstein. 2012. Effect of steel and aluminum shoes on forelimb kinematics in stock type horses as measured at the trot. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Volume 32(5), pgs 262-267.
Duberstein, K.J. and J.A. Gilkeson. 2010. Determination of sex differences in personality and trainability of yearling horses utilizing a handler questionnaire. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Volume 128(1-4), pgs 57-63.
Duberstein, K.J., S.E. Johnson, L.R. McDowell and E.A. Ott. February 2009. Effects of vitamin E supplementation and training on oxidative stress parameters measured in exercising horses. Comparative Exercise Physiology. Volume 6(1), pp. 17-25.
Duberstein, K.J., S.E. Johnson, L.R. McDowell and E.A. Ott. February 2009. Protein carbonyl assay to measure oxidative stress in muscle of exercising horses supplemented with vitamin E. Comparative Exercise Physiology. Volume 6(1), pp. 1-5.